Rose of the Year is a local award created by the New York Alumnae Chapter. It is presented to a sister at the end of the SAI year to recognize her outstanding service and leadership to the chapter.
2016-2017: Angela Zurlo
2015-2016: Michelle Ammirati
2014-2015: Erica Koehring
2013-2014: Sara Bong & Lynne Schreur
2012-2013: Karen Birch Blundell
2011-2012: Kim Manley & Melissa Wozniak
2010-2011: Jennifer Creek Hughes
2009-2010: Carolyn Geer
2008-2009: Michelle Ingram & Sue Landis
2007-2008: Chrissie Reiswig
2006-2007: Sandy Schneider & Amber Womack
2005-2006: Jenellen Fischer & Karen Stewart
2004-2005: Amy Hawley & Cara Roldan